To request a code word, email [email protected]  with your organization information.

IMPORTANT: CODE REQUEST must appear in the subject line and your organizational information in the message.


Organization NameDate of closing or delayInformation
Hide-n-Seek Christian Daycare Pre K Counts1/21/20253 Hour Delay
Huntingdon Area School District 1/21/20253-hr delay
Juniata Christian School1/21/20253-hr delay
Juniata County School District 1/21/20253-hr delay
Lewistown Presbyterian Preschool 1/21/20253 hour delay No AM Class
Midd-West School District 1/21/20252-hr delay
Mifflin County School District 1/21/20253-hr delay
Southern Huntingdon County School District1/21/20253-hr delay